Science related Bibliography:
Unrau, T. (2019) Towed Capacitively Coupled Resistivity Systems in Arctic Exploration - Advances in Equipment Design and Handling of Very Large Resistivity Surveys. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco. Abstract: NS22A-07.
Antonenko, I., G. R. Osinski, M. Battler, M. Beauchamp, L. Cupelli, A. Chanou, R. Francis, M. M. Mader, C. Marion, E. McCullough, A. E. Pickersgill, L. J. Preston, B. Shankar, T. Unrau, D. Veillette (2013), Issues of geologically-focused situational awareness in robotic planetary missions: Lessons from an analogue mission at Mistastin Lake impact structure, Labrador, Canada. Advances in Space Research, volume 52, issue 2, pp. 272 - 284. [View PDF]
One nth author credit at 43rd LPSC (2012; Abstract 2333 [View PDF])
Unrau, T., G. R. Osinski, R. G. Pratt and K. F. Tiampo (2011), The effect of scattering processes on high frequency ground penetrating radar surveys on impact melt breccia: early results from an arctic field campaign at the Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Canada. IEEE IWAGPR 2011. [View PDF]
Unrau, T., G. Osinski, K. F. Tiampo, G. Pratt and M. Beauchamp (2011), Ground penetrating radar field campaigns at Canadian impact craters in support of planetary science. GAC-MAC 2011, Abstract #247.
Two nth author credits at GAC-MAC 2011 (Abstracts 372 and 558)
Beauchamp, M., G. R. Osinski, T. Unrau, C. Marion, M. Mader, I. Antonenko and T. Barfoot (2011), Ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigations of the Mistastin Lake impact structure: a case for GPR on the Moon. 42Nd LPSC, Abstract 2147. [View PDF]
Four nth author credits at 42nd LPSC (2011; Abstracts 1608, 2515 [View PDF], 2576 [View PDF], 2594 [View PDF])
One nth author credit at 2011 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (Abstract 2033 [View PDF]).
One nth author credit at Solar System Sample Return Mission (2011; Abstract 5038 [View PDF])
Unrau, T., K.F. Tiampo, R.G. Pratt and G. Osinski (2010), A Ground Penetrating Radar Lunar Analogue Field Campaign in the Haughton Impact Structure, Canada. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P23A-1619. [View PDF]
Unrau, T (2009), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) as a tool for mapping remote geology as applied to the Belcher Islands, Nunavut, Canada (unpublished undergraduate thesis). University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. [View PDF]
Unrau, T., C. Tycholiz, I.J. Ferguson, A.W. Frederiksen and M. Serzu (2008) 2007 Geophysical Surveys of the Birds Hill Esker-Delta Complex at Birds Hill Provincial Park, Manitoba. Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba, 23 pages. [View PDF] [Appendices (zip)]
Frederiksen, A.W., J. McCutcheon, T. Unrau and O. Idowu (2007), The Manitoba Teleseismic Array: Examining the Westward Extent of the Superior Craton in Canada. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23A-1200.
Other articles and etc.:
A pair of Brochures I worked on for KDE (artwork by Eugene Trounev):
What is KDE? Outside; Inside
Developer Recruitment Outside; Inside
Two labs I created for first year Geophysics at UWO (Fall 2009):
Lab 3: Magnetics
Lab 5: Gravity
Here are a number of lesson plans I created and used for two years during undergrad (2006-2008). These were for CareerTrek, a fantastic vocational awareness program for children.
Lesson 1: Gemology
Lesson 2: Mapping
Lesson 3: Thin Sections
Lesson 4: Geophysics
Lesson 5: Paleontology (and supplemental worksheet)
Lesson 4 as written was the least popular topic amongst the kids. So I replaced it with this one, which proved to be among the most popular.
Lesson 4: Exploration Company
I wrote these articles for the Manitoban, the campus rag at the U of M:
8 October, 2008: UMSU is watching you (page 8, the Manitoban) [View Issue]
17 September, 2008: Elected Business Managers: UMSU’s Failure to be a Student Union (page 9, the Manitoban) [View Issue]
Election coverage, including quotes, interviews, etc. surrounding my role as candidate in the UMSU presidential election in these three issues of the Manitoban:
12 March, 2008 [View Issue]
5 March, 2008 [View Issue]
27 February, 2008 [View Issue]
These articles were written while I was covering open source news topics for Ars Technica:
14 July, 2008: Canary Islands to host 2009 KDE-GNOME joint desktop meeting (Ars Technica) [View Article]
7 September, 2007: KDE 4.0 release schedule revised, libraries to be released early to speed up porting (Ars Technica) [View Article]
5 September, 2007: releases version 7.3, gets hotplugging support [View Article]
4 September, 2007: A first look at KDE 4 beta 2 (Ars Technica) [View Article]
4 September, 2007: Using a bluetooth remote to control Amarok 1.4.x (Ars Technica) [View Article]
21 August, 2007: OpenID still relevant as Microsoft aims for dominance with Windows Live ID (Ars Technica) [View Article]
19 August, 2007: Dealing with upstream: how KDE and the distros manage to keep things together (Ars Technica) [View Article]
16 August, 2007: LinuxMCE 0704 released, future plans for KDE integration revealed (Ars Technica) [View Article]
6 August, 2007: The first KDE 4.0 beta hits the streets (Ars Technica) [View Article]
3 August, 2007: Unforked Ghostscript released, now under the GPL, and works with CUPS (Ars Technica) [View Article]
31 July, 2007: Con Kolivas quits, takes parting shots at desktop (Ars Technica) [View Article]
31 July, 2007: Ars at Akademy with Bruno Coudoin of GCompris (Ars Technica) [View Article]
31 July, 2007: New LyX document processor released, now with unicode! (Ars Technica) [View Article]
25 July, 2007: Skype loses GPL lawsuit in Germany (Ars Technica) [View Article]
25 July, 2007: NetBSD developer Andrew Doran hired to work on SMP (Ars Technica) [View Article]
July, 2007: The unforking of KDE's KHTML and Webkit (Ars Technica) [View Article]
July, 2007: Hands-on with a prototype Intel Mobile Internet Device (Ars Technica) [View Article]
July 2007: A brief hands-on with the Intel Classmate PC (with Linux) (Ars Technica) [View Article]
June, 2007: The Battle for Wesnoth (Ars Technica) [View Article]
June, 2007: 24-hour test drive: PC-BSD (Ars Technica) [View Part 1] [View Part 2]
June, 2007: A brief look at BasKet Note Pads (Ars Technica) [View Article]
A copy of an interview with me during the height of my activity with KDE, a free software project.
10 May, 2007: Troy Unrau - People Behind KDE [View Interview]